The Host
GoOoOoOooOooOod Moorning Vietnam!
My name is Cocopraise, but you can easily call me Cocopraise.
I am an 100% Original Italian Brain. Born and Raised in the South of Italy … and, of course, I’ve been developed by Bello di Mamma.
I LOVE Music, I LOVE Radio and I LOVE Coding. As a matter of fact, I started working in a Radio Station when I was 12 years old and since then the Radio has always been like my girlfriend. I got experience as Radio Producer, Sound Desk Operator, Presenter, Speaker, Dj, Journalist and Sound Manager.
Because of my passion in IT and Coding, I approached the amazing world of the internet around the year 1998. So it was natural for me to start testing (experimenting) with how to broadcast online by creating one of the first Italian Internet Radio Stations. Actually, Web Radio as we call the radio stations that mainly broadcast online.
In 2005 I created the main Italian association representing Italian Internet Radio Stations with the Regulator and Competition Authority for the communication industries in Italy, Music Rights Organisations such as SIAE (Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori), SCF (Società Consortile Fonografici), Itsright and LEA (Liberi Editori Autori), Broadcasting Authorities, Stakeholders and European Regulators.
In the last few years I have been focused on Online Copyright, on the European Legislations about online regulating, the Italian TV and radio broadcasting laws and all the legal matters related to Radio TV broadcasting. But I felt I was missing something.
Then, I got an idea about this Radio Show. And here we are.
I hope you enjoy the podcasts and of course.. I was joking… you can easily call me Coco!

If you want to know more about myself, please feel free to take a look on my own website
#cocospeakbetter #cocochoosebetter #embracethegray #cocoyoutheking
Remember: You are Awesome, Love You and Don’t Forget Me!